
Accounting software trusted by over 35,000 freelancers and small businesses.

  Flexible 12-month, 6-month and 3-month cashflow view

  Drag and drop customisation - show what's most important to you

  View recent expenses, bills, invoices and projects

  Live bank balance charts for all your accounts

  Year-to-date Profit and Loss snapshot, including details of distributable reserves

  Tax Timeline of important upcoming tax dates and deadlines

FreeAgent is an online money management and accounting tool intended for small businesses of up to 10 employees. This will include most kinds of freelancers, contractors and consultants. Whether you are just getting started, or are already in business, FreeAgent can save you time.

FreeAgent's Dashboard brings together your invoices, expenses, bank accounts and more, helping you keep your business on the right trajectory.

If you would like to know more information on FreeAgent then please contact us.

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